“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” - Sherlock Holmes
小齐和峻纬的相遇就要简单许多。他们是纯粹的从强者顶峰相见的欣赏,到高山流水的默契,最后暗生情愫。 如今,他们的关系和普通情侣的关系只差一个表白。无论如何,他们的故事也是一段广为流传的佳话。
主CP: 南北,纬钧
ABO(E) ,四大角每个人还有隐藏身份
中文版:【南北纬钧】堕入红尘|第三章:一见钟情,琴瑟和鸣 (全中文版)
小齐和峻纬的相遇就要简单许多。他们是纯粹的从强者顶峰相见的欣赏,到高山流水的默契,最后暗生情愫。 如今,他们的关系和普通情侣的关系只差一个表白。无论如何,他们的故事也是一段广为流传的佳话。
Jacky’s highschool years passed in Canada, and thus his values and personality was very much different from that of ordinary Chinses students. He applied to St. MG university because his family still had businesses in China that he will inherit sometime in the future, and thus is parents thought it would be better if he had connections domestically. Students in Canada had the time to focuse on alot more extra curriculars than their counterparts in China, so Jacky got the fame of being “good at everything. “
They first met in a multischool music competition on the first night of school for celebration. Sijun was chosen to be the main MC, as his is the absolute No.1 in his boardcasting major. His hosting style was very calm steady, yet friendly and approachable. All the school officals and student council representatives trusted Sijun with all their assemblies. They all think that they he will have a gorgeous career in the entertainment industry. Jacky was seating in the audience waiting to be called on stage. he was going to show off all three instruments at once. First he is going to play a Lizet piano concerto, followed by his own self-composed violin solo, and ending with him playing the guitar and singing his own R&B song. His titles this, “Through the ages”.
峻纬看着站在舞台中央,正在发光的小齐。不知不觉中,聚光灯下的他已经吸引住了自己的目光,瞬间就有了方向,就是他。一时间,世界上就只剩下了舞台上的他和舞台下拿着吉他、小提琴 和乐谱的自己。他看着红色西装里的,笑起来像小狐狸一样的男孩子出了神,以至于他叫他的名字,要上场时还慢了半拍。走过小狐狸身边时,听到了一声:轻轻的:“Good luck”
小齐站在舞台边上,深情着注视着台上才华横溢的峻纬。 在他自已初看演出表时就注意到了这个会三个乐器的帅气男孩。他后面特意查到了峻纬是在加拿大读的高中,于是就有了那句“Good Luck”。 他的音乐就像是专属于他的情歌,触动了他的心铉。 峻纬的表演不顾众望,成功成为了本场比赛的No.1。 他发现领奖的时候主持人好像给他抛了个媚眼。小狐狸最会勾引人了。后面峻纬也去问了别的选手,发现大部分人并没有收到主持人的祝福,有的也只是一句加油。 峻纬时全场唯一一个收到了 good luck 的选手。 颁奖典礼结束后,峻纬发现小齐在等自己。
小齐说:“你好,我是小齐 齐思钧,我在看节目列表的时候发现我们是室友,就在这等你了。”
峻纬十分惊讶,又问道:”How on earth did you know?”
“Ever read Sherlock Holmes? ‘when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth’. 在中国压力山大的高考下,普通的高中生是很难有时间把多门乐器修炼到高超水准的。 只有音乐生会这样,但是今天在场的,为了公平起见,并没有音乐学院的人。 如此可见,你必定是留在海外度过的高中生涯。主流的留学学校也就美加英。 如果你是在美国读的高中的话,你很有可能不会来这,而且我并没有在你身上看到美国学生的持高气昂的态度和英国佬那多此一举的礼仪和优越感。我在后台看见你在不小心撞到别人时下意识的Sorry,那简直太Canadian了。而且你的礼貌恰到好处,让人觉得很舒服。 “
峻纬听后双眼发光,这是找到了知己啊!“我也看福尔摩斯。 第一喜欢原著,第二喜欢BBC卷福演的现代版。你呢?”
Coming back to the present, Sijun has nearly fainted over the sweet actions between Eazin and Stefan. And as usual, Jacky became his emotional outlet via the means of hitting. Jacky was emotionless about Eazin and Stefan until he became Sijun’s hitting bag again because of them. After sending the photos of their loving eye contact and Eazin in Stefan’s hug in the group chat, Jacky proposed to let him and Sijun send them back to the dorm. They will clearly be a burden after everyone else got high on alcohol or gotten drunk.
“ This is sweet beyond comprehension Jacky, I’m absolutely in love with it.” Sijun is once again leaning on Jacky’s broad shoulders.
“ You know that other people will reacted the exact same way to us right now right?” Jacky teased. They purposefully spoke in English so that their good bros will have some hard time deciphering their speech. Eventhough Sijun grew up entirely in China, his english is all the mostly authentic and sensual British Accent. Jacky’s Canadian accent is much more casual and liberal in tone.
“好了别想啦,我们还得把这两个大个子弄到车上去啊” 峻纬提醒道。文韬还能迷迷糊糊的走,所以小齐也基本上能自己搞定。而阿蒲此时已经完全瘫了,最后几乎是峻纬一个人扛到车上去的。 阿蒲被先扔到了车里靠窗的位置,随后文韬也被扶着坐在阿蒲身边。这个姿势也使得文韬不得不靠在阿蒲肩上。峻纬站在小齐身后拍了南北的照片,又把它发挥群聊里了。 峻纬坐进了车的副驾驶,小齐就坐在他后面。 峻纬想了想最近他和小齐的互动,他们也会有时不时一不小心的“深情”对视,小齐好像也特别喜欢靠着自己的肩膀,小齐主持完或峻纬表演结束后他们也会一起拥抱作为鼓励和赞扬。寒假时一个月没有见到小齐,峻纬竟然也在梦里看到了他。虽然他也梦到过文韬和阿蒲,但时小齐出现的频率却出奇的高。 我们真的只是朋友吗,峻纬不禁想到。 他们的粉丝叫他们父母爱情,难道真的只是因为老齐爱瞎操心,自己有点威慑力? 和他们的默契,情感真的没关系吗?
Sijun in the back is also thinking about the same topic. The interactions he has with Jacky was certainly no different than that of Eazin and Stefan. What Jacky didn't know is that Sijun had a secret diary, and 90% of the stuff in there is about Jacky. May chapters were about the events of daily life’s, the constant shipping of Eazin and Stefan. However, one name shows up more often than the rest of them: Jacky. Everyone else, even Eazin and Stefan all say that they definitely like each other. Deep down, Jacky and Sijun are indeed aware of the high likelihood that the crush was mutual, but no one dared to take that risk. Since they are all the most popular people at school, all four of them had received love letters before. Of course, they rejected them all since there is already one person occupying the sacred spot in their hearts. However, Sijun never dared to take that risk. Whenever he sees Jacky smiling at a love letter, or waving off and smiling at some other Omegas, a swirl pool of feeling shows up in side of Sijun. This whirlpool consist of jealousy, envy, disappointment, confusion, and doubt. Many times Sijun can feeling his flame of passion for Jacky is wavering, and it has nearly extinguished countless times. But after spending another day with him, the flame revives again from the not-yet-cold ash.
他们终于把阿蒲和文韬放回了宿舍,小齐便给阿蒲留下了个便条纸把所有情况都说的清清楚楚。 为啥写给阿蒲呢,因为他们都觉得阿蒲的身体底子比文韬好一点,因该会更早醒来。 小齐在写字条的时候,峻纬尽然在宿舍里,对着文韬的床,放了一个针孔摄像头!果不其然,阿蒲和文韬清醒后一切如他们所料。 随后,纬钧也会到了聚会的火锅店。
当他们聚会快结束的时候,峻纬看了一眼手机,惊讶的发现南北竟然在热吻!他把监控给小齐看了,小齐对峻纬这种事竟然也感觉在预料之中。 但是峻纬接下来说的话却让小齐不淡定了。
“ Name one thing that they did but we didn’t, just one. can you? All that a couple did in public but we didn’t is kissing. “ Sijun stared in to Jacky’s round, innocent doggy eyes with amazement, is he going to confess?
“You have learnt a bit of French before as a part of broadcasting basic right?” Jacky asked, and Sijun nodded in response.
« Je t’aime toi pour très longtemps, il a commencé quand j’ai vu toi pour le premier temps. Le moment tu as dit ‘bon chanceux ‘ en anglais seule pour moi, j’aimerais toi. »
« Moi aussi, mon l’amour. » Sijun dit.
In a language that only they know in the entire table, 小情侣终于揭开了他们中间那匹早就该摘掉的纱,跨过了那早就该抹去的线。 No one else on the table knows why both of them are burning red and on the verge of crying, 只有他们的那音律和谐,可以共振的,如乐器般易碎的心,贴在一起,琴瑟和鸣。